Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Game Of Hearts

Life is full of opportunities to grow and become better. It is enjoyable to watch the personal growth take place. One of the ways that personal growth happens is through the acts of kindness that we do for someone else. Let me share a couple of examples of this that will demonstrate what I'm talking about. I have a good friend and co-worker who recently had a nephew pass away. The outpouring of generosity for their entire extended family has been amazing. The death was completely unexpected, yet the neighbors and friends have rallied around. I think that is a wonderful blessing. This same friend of mine had another unfortunate event occur, this past Saturday. His older brother's grandson drowned while participating in a simple family photograph shoot. The young family went by the Weber River to take a family portrait when the four year old slipped on a rock and fell into the fast-racing river. His body has still not been recovered. My friend spoke with one of the search and rescue people and thanked him for all that was being done. There are people who have given their all, even risking their own lives to find this young boy's body and help bring closure to this devastated family. Every day offers perfect opportunities to put your heart in the right place and help somebody who finds themselves in a much worse situation than your own. If I listen to what my heart says, I will always be on the right path. When my mind becomes involved, what I will do is not quite as definitive. There are people who need what I have to offer. There are other people who are looking for the 'rescue' of somebody else. I want to be prepared and ready for those who need my help. The goal is the same for everyone who has or ever will live on this earth. With our heart in the right place, no act of kindness is impossible.

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