"He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself.
After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded."
I am humbled by His great love, for not only His disciples, but for each one of us.
There is power in service that we render for our spouse and our children. There isn't a better opportunity, in this world, than to give Christ-like service to those who are closest to us.
I watch with hope that a man will, with gentleness, treat his sweetheart with love. In turn, I anticipate that the gentleness will be reciprocated from her to him. There is nothing better for a strong relationship than these acts of kindness.
I love to hear parents talk kindly to their children. Our family was at Danny's indoor soccer game, last weekend, and a father was giving his young daughter some helpful tips to better her game. He spoke with gentleness and softly, yet his point was heard and well taken by the young girl. I could tell by his example how he talked to his other children and his wife.
My parents taught me as a young boy that the secret to a successful marriage is to serve, serve, and serve some more. A person can't serve too much. I have witnessed it, first hand, in my own marriage.
I am thankful for Jesus in my life. I am trying to be like Him.
The words of a favorite song give great clarity to this subject and act as a great reminder of what I should be doing.
"As I have loved you, love one another. This new commandment, love one another. By this shall men know, ye, are my disciples. If ye have love, one to another."
I am trying to love my family and everybody else around me through acts of kindly service.