I don't know how many of you even like the game of basketball but I thought that I would share a little something about the game as it pertains to me and my life.
The dimensions of a traditional court is ninety-four feet in length by fifty feet in width. Like with anything in life, there are boundaries. It is expected, by all participants, to abide by the regulations set.
There are similar boundaries set in our own lives. As long as certain rules are kept life seems to move forward at a pretty good clip.
Our lives can be compared, in many ways, to the game of basketball. There are fundamentals, that if learned, practiced, and then mastered, can aid the player in a higher level of success. The is precisely the same with life. There are countless opportunities to become better skilled in a certain area of life. There are opportunities that require effort but are character builders in the end.
I love to play basketball. These days, it's really only fun for me to play on the driveway with our kids. There are fundamentals that can be learned to better hone your own personal skills of the game.
More important than basketball is our ability to master the things of life. To be the very best you can be! Day by day, a little at a time, the day will come where self-mastery is the end result. That will take a lifetime but the hard work in the journey is worth the end result.