Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I read a recent article that was very powerful to me. It spoke truth to my heart. I want to speak about it for just a moment.
We are spirit children of a Heavenly Father. We are here on earth, for just a few brief moments, in the eternal realm. One of the chief reasons we are here is to gain experience through learning. Because we once lived in the literal presence of God, we know truth. We know what it means to know what is right. During this short journey on earth, that knowledge of truth will be tested by an evil force. This force wishes to thwart our direction which is aimed for that which is right. Every human being, on this earth, knows how to choose what is right. We brought that God-given ability with us when we came to earth.
I have always enjoyed truth. Through my own experience, I have learned that by following truth, the pathway seems clear and a lot more enjoyable to travel. It doesn't, however, mean that the pathway is always smooth.
When Becky and I were first married, a young family lived in the same apartment complex as we did. Their young life, together, had some real challenges. They quarrelled a little too often and the unrest in their home finally 'boiled' to overflowing. One particularly busy day, I got an impression that I needed to go and make a visit to their apartment. The truth was spoken clearly to my heart but I chose to ignore it. I received the impression again and for a second time, I ignored it. The day went on and I continued with the projects at hand. I didn't give another thought to the impressions I had received, earlier in the day. The days passed by and I decided, on my time, to visit the home of this young family. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I knocked again but nobody answered the door. I walked away, a little disheartened. As I passed by the front window, I noticed that the place was completely empty. My heart sunk as I reflected back, on the days gone by, when I had received the silent promptings. I went home and prayed that I would be forgiven for my foolishness. I listened carefully as I received the feeling in my heart. I could feel the words very clearly, "When I speak, listen and obey."
Truth had been spoken and I chose not to obey. I have since learned that when truth is spoken, I need to listen, now, and then I must choose to obey.