I am going to take the liberty to spend my time writing something that is more spiritually minded, on Sunday. I believe that my faith is not just a part of who I am, rather, it is who I am.
On Friday, I was listening to some music on my friend's IPOD. One of the selections was a rendition of "Silent Night" performed by David Archuleta. I know what you're thinking, Christmas is over, but it just felt like a good song to listen to, in the moment. I listened carefully to its lyrics and was physically moved by its message.
Many years have passed since that world-changing event when the baby Jesus came to this earth. That event continues to stir up daily feelings in my heart.
Each of us needs a 'silent night' of our own once in a while. We need to pause and reflect on the things in our lives that make us cheer as well as the things that trouble our hearts.
I worked at my work bench and silently thanked my Heavenly Father for His kindness to me and my family. I began to run through the large list of things for which I am most grateful. I thought about certain individuals that could especially use my friendship to help them through difficult challenges that they currently face. I thought about the gratitude I feel for my parents who are currently out of the country enjoying some time of vacation with one another. My mind raced at the wonderful opportunities I am given, on a daily basis, to touch some body's heart for good.
These silent moments give us all a chance to reflect and ponder about the things that are the most important.
I have a man who I haven't seen or even thought about for nearly twenty years. The memory of working with him suddenly came into my mind. He had some severe disabilities and yet his work ethic never wavered. He showed me what it was like to give his employer a fair day's work. I watched him treat his co-workers with respect. I watched his enthusiasm in an effort to make people smile. His spirit lifted mine whenever I was around him. I wondered silently, "what ever happened to James?" The positive impact he had on my life is still alive.
I encourage you to take the moments of reflection so that you can have your heart lifted just as mine has been. My moment just happened to be the remembrance of one of the greatest nights ever known to mankind.
Your opportunity to reflect may be different than mine but just as important in nature. Enjoy the moments as they come, for they will help to shape you into the person you are supposed to become.