I am off of work, today, and I wish to spend the time to express my deepest thanks during this blog post.
It would take a complete lifetime to adequately express my gratitude.
Today, is an important day for several reasons. On this day, Jesus Christ was born. The world has never been the same since His coming. I can't help but feel thankful for His life, mission, and Atonement for me, and you, of course. Also, this day marks the day when The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was organized. Brady (our oldest son) and I discussed this a little bit and when I told him of the significance of this day, he said to me, that is not coincidental that the church would be organized on the same day as the Savior's birth. I agreed with him. Today, also marks the day that the Savior began His Atonement, that has eternal importance for us all.
I take each day with an attitude of trying to do my very best. I awakened, this morning, with these things on my mind and felt very grateful for all that they mean.
There is much to learn as we work, and sometimes struggle through this life. I watched a video clip on lds.org, that the LDS church has produced just for Easter--entitled, "He Is Risen." It is worth watching. Ultimately, it is only through Him, that the errors of our ways are forgiven. When He went into the Garden of Gethsemane, He took upon Himself all that I would do wrong, (including everyone else that would live and error) and made it right, if I would repent. I can't even fathom all that was required of Him, but He did it lovingly and willingly, because of His love for and obedience to His Father, for which I am most grateful!
I understand how little I know about the Plan of my Heavenly Father. I am trying to learn and understand all that is expected of me. The most important part is the application in my own life. That takes a lifetime of patience and a consistent pace. Line upon line, precept upon precept.
I don't want this to seem like a Sunday school lesson, rather a writing filled with gratitude for the things that are of most import.
It's a wonderful life!