Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm A Grateful Son

The way I feel today, is a daily occurrence, but I feel an urge to share with you some of my personal feelings. I was born to and raised by a wonderful and loving mother and father. They have loved me, unconditionally, my entire life. That doesn't mean that I haven't given them reason to be disappointed at some of my decisions, but all in all, I have tried to make them pleased at the way I lead my life and the decisions that I try to make. I love them so much! I married into a family who loved and accepted me from day one. They trusted me with their daughter and have loved me like their very own. Tonight, Becky's parents were here for dinner and I was reminded, again, at how blessed I am to have two sets of parents who love and adore me. What a terrific blessing that is! It is a choice blessing to be loved and accepted. My desire is to say and do those things that would make Becky, our children, and both sets of parents proud of me. I feel like the luckiest guy alive!

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