I was recently 'awakened' when I visited a home that would make the word filthiness be considered clean. I wondered to myself how a home could ever get in that sort of shape. I was also reminded of a few simple truths.
First, each one of us, in the human family, was created with order being the chief characteristic. I cannot comprehend that order and filth can exist in the same sentence. It is very clear to me that the eternal nature of The Creator, our Heavenly Father, is clean.
Second, It is humanly, and eternally, impossible for peace to exist within the walls of a home that is filthy. When I was a teenager, I was filthy. It wasn't very often that the floor of my bedroom could be seen without first, moving the clothing that was scattered all over. I must preface my story by emphasizing that my parents are, and always have been, clean people. So my filth was not a product of them or their teaching. My dad approached me, one afternoon, and all but pleaded me to clean my room and to please keep it that way. He taught me that he and mom tried very hard to create a feeling in our home that would allow peace and contentment to exist. Because it was their home, he hoped that I would respect their wishes and keep my room clean. From that day on, I tried, diligently, to keep my room tidy and clean.
Third, when a person is clean, they feel much better about themselves. There is truth in abundance about this statement. Cleanliness breeds confidence and self-worth.
Becky is a clean person, in every sense of the word. I rush home, each day, longing to be in our home where I will find and feel peace.
The adherence to this principle will help in the everyday lives of all people.
Cleanliness is not just a principle, it's a way of life.
I love clean in every facet of life.
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